Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
ISSN: 2582-9076

The Peer review process is an essential part of the publication process; it definitely improves the quality of the research papers to be published. Peer review ensures an independent assessment and accuracy of the results described. With the collaboration of editors and reviewers, THE YOGIC INSIGHT Research Journal ensures that the manuscripts are related with the scientific analytical work and empirical analysis of the research work. The Peer review is designed to find the flaws and advise the author(s) to improve the quality of the paper to be published. The Peer reviewers only evaluate what the authors chose to include in the manuscript and suggest the changes that are required in the research papers. All contributions submitted to the journal that are selected for peer review are sent to two independent reviewers, selected by the editors. The editor’s decision on the choice of referees is final. Editors, authors and reviewers are required to keep confidential all details of the editorial and peer review process on submitted manuscripts. The peer review process is confidential and conducted anonymously; identities of reviewers are not revealed. Reviewers must maintain confidentiality of manuscripts.

All submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed by the experts in the corresponding area.

Manuscripts reviewing are entirely confidential. Reviewer’s decision and any information about the submitted article is not disclosed to anybody, except the author.

After notifying the author about the manuscript, if it is approved for publication, he/she is obliged to submit personally signed Copyright Agreement.

Submitted articles are sent to editorial review and peer review. Received manuscripts are validated in due course, and the decision will be taken according to the peer reviewers comments. The decision taken will be communicated to the author by journal’s Editors via e-mail.