Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
ISSN: 2582-9076
Publication Policy

The journal tries to encourage the writers to contribute research papers to issues is educational relevance. However, the papers which are sent with the undertaking that they are unpublished earlier and the author is fully responsible for the legal issues to plagiarism etc are allowed to be published.

The manuscripts or joint contributions are received by Editors of the journal, who in turn forwards for review. The members of the Editorial Advisory Board act as list of referees. The chief editor may send the articles to any other experts which may not be part of editorial advisory board. The reviewers are required to satisfy themselves regarding the originality, cohesiveness and relevance of the matter written in the research paper/article. The identity of the author is kept confidential during the complete review process.

On the basis of comments of referees, the articles is either accepted, rejected or sent back for modification/changes. The Editorial Advisory Board, however, reserves the right to delete/remove any of the articles which violates its ethical policy at any stage before or after publication.